List HAC of scientific specialties

List HAC of scientific specialties:

06.01.01 – General agriculture crop production (agricultural Sciences),

06.01.02 – land Reclamation, reclamation and protection (agricultural Sciences),

06.01.04 – Agrochemistry (agricultural Sciences),

08.00.01 – Economic theory (economic Sciences),

08.00.01 – Economic theory (economic Sciences),

08.00.05 – Economy and management of national economy (by branches and spheres of activity) (economic Sciences),

08.00.10 – Finance, monetary circulation and credit (economic Sciences science),

08.00.13 – mathematical and instrumental methods of Economics (Economics),

08.00.14 – The world economy (economic Sciences),

25.00.23 – Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape Geochemistry (geographical Sciences),

25.00.24 – Economic, social, political and recreational geography (geographical Sciences),

25.00.26 – land Management, cadastre and land monitoring (geographical Sciences),

25.00.33 – Cartography (geographical Sciences),

25.00.35 – Geoinformatics (geographical Sciences),

25.00.36 – Geoecology (by industry) (geographical Sciences) slot gacorlink slot gacor